Although surfing is a free sport, there are few opportunities to be alone in the water. For your session to take place in the best conditions, all surfers and bodyboarders, both beginners and experts, must know and respect the rules & codes of Surfing. The objectives are to avoid accidents and to respect everyone’s waves. It is worth remembering that on land as in the water, the rules of good manners and courtesy are essential.

Surfers Code

Respect swimming areas

It is strongly discouraged and prohibited to surf in areas reserved for swimmers. These areas, often monitored by SNSM rescue swimmers, are marked by the presence of colored flags. Avoiding these areas means avoiding the risk of collisions and accidents.

The surfer on the inside has priority

The surfer with the green board who is located closest to the breaking wave, called the “inside” or sometimes the “peak”, is considered to have priority over the surfer with the red board. This priority will be maintained throughout the duration of the wave, other surfers like the one in red must not start on this same wave, or exit as quickly as possible. If you “steal” priority from another surfer it is called a “tax”. Generally they manifest themselves with a typical cry: “Yeeeeep”, “right” or “left”.

Signal your direction on the wave

When a wave breaks on both the left and the right, then both surfers have priority. The main thing is to communicate with each other to indicate your intention to go left or right. The ideal is to indicate to other surfers wishing to surf the same wave the side towards which you are heading. Once again, the key words are good manners and courtesy.

When two surfers come face to face

When two surfers come across each other on a wave that breaks inwards, that is to say to the left and right, neither of the two surfers has priority. In this case, both surfers are advised to exit the wave as quickly as possible to avoid collision and therefore an accident.

How to return to the peak safely?

Once you have finished riding your wave, always go back up, going around the waves, without disturbing any surfers who are still standing. When the wave “lines” are long, always go where the wave is least hollow (where there are no surfers in action), to avoid any collision and therefore an accident.

If falling in the impact zone?

If you fall in the “impact zone” (the place where the waves break), do not try to go straight back towards the “peak”. First wait for the series to pass by remaining in the foam, while holding your board and then go back to the “peak”, going around the waves as previously indicated.

What if I taxe priority over another surfer?

If you happen to accidentally “burn” a priority to another surfer, it is advisable to exit the wave as soon as possible. Back at the peak, don’t hesitate to apologize, the atmosphere in the water will only be better. You will often find these priority rules on signs at beach access or in surf schools.